President Obama just released his birth video and it confirms our worst fears - he was born on a Kenyan savannah, a big rock named "Pride Rock"
He is so African that a bamboo held him up as the messiah and all animals from Kenya kingdom came to observe the anointed future president of the United States.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Raising taxes, saving medicaid/medicare and social security
A McClatchy Marist Poll conducted April 10 through the 14th found that 64% of registered voters support raising taxes on incomes above $250,000.
That's right. A majority of Americans think that taxes should be raised on the those making eight times the median income.
Broken down by party:
Democrats – 83% (no surprise there)
Independents – 63% (the swing vote that went overwhelmingly for the Tea Party in the mid terms)
Republicans – 43% (what? 43% of the GOP support raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans? Wow....)
The poll findings further show this:
80% of registered voters oppose cuts in Medicare and Medicaid. 80%
Just take that in for a second....80%
Wait, it gets better. 73% of Republicans are opposed to cuts in medicare and medicaid.
70% of Tea Party supporters oppose cuts to the socialist programs that millions depend on. The Tea Party....oppose cuts in socialist programs.
I'll simply say that a majority of Americans are socialists. How dare they defend socialist ideals like Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid and especially taxing those who make the most.
Here's the poll data.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Fallen Soldiers
I just wanted to take a few minutes to post up a video I made a few years back in order to remind us what kind of sacrifices our soldiers make for wars they never choose to fight.
It's heartbreaking but our place in history will tell if they died in vain.
It's heartbreaking but our place in history will tell if they died in vain.
Sunday Roundup
What a bunch of bumbling fools. If they really had any balls on making budget cuts without political bickering that would look great in the eyes of voters they would do across the board 5-10% budget cut on EVERY program. A 5% cut would save roughly $170 billion - they didn't even manage to cut 1%. Anyway, across the board - businesses do that. I thought that's what the GOP pretends to be like. And Democrats - what a bunch of cowards. If I were President you'd be hard pressed to get me to concede to weeping Speaker Boehner and the Tea Baggers. They're not in touch with reality. Trying to shut down the government because of a 300 million dollar allocation to Planned Parenthood ? That's just as idiotic as two people fighting over a penny when they got a hundred bucks in their pockets.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Friday, April 8, 2011
Yes! Send Old People to the Buy Their Own Dang Insurance and Forget Poor Children – They Can Rot
Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin is my personal hero. He proposed to cut $6.5 trillion dollars over next ten years. This is a great moment in American political history. Most of the money being cut is taken from commie programs such as medicare and medicaid, social security and includes a permanent Bush Tax cut for the top income earners Americans bringing their tax rate from unreasonable 35% to a fantastic 25%. So, if someone makes 100 million a year, they'll be paying the same tax rate as a school teacher (average school teacher makes about 30k a year). The 100 million dollar income earner can do so much more with the extra 10 million dollars, buy an island or buy a yacht and sail the world. That 10 million, as an example, could have gone to evil socialist programs like the Children Health Insurance Program that makes sure that all kids have health insurance even though they don't deserve it because their parents lazy and poor. Therefore, the kids will learn to be lazy and poor. Let's make sure they die early.
Medicare would be for all intents and purposes abolished. The government would give old folks vouchers, much like the school vouchers conservatives want, to go into the market place and purchase a health insurance plan. They would pay premiums and for any procedures not covered by the insurance companies. They can be denied coverage to due preexisting conditions and can be denied treatment if they think it's too expensive or that they don't need it. But hey, insurance companies know more about health issues and treatments than the primary doctors do. If they can't afford it, if they're denied procedures - tough luck they should just kick the bucket then. It's a “life panel” quite the contrary to the liberals “death panels.”
Social security might as well be privatized because we all know that the privatization of a institution is way better than the mindless government bureaucracy. If someone makes 30k a year and let's say they save 10% every year toward their retirement, never minding inflation or stagnation of wages, 3k year for 45 years equals to roughly 135k in the private account without interest. Furthermore, let's say grows at an annual interest rate of 5% it accumulates to about 500k. That sounds great! Assuming that you're fully employed at a steady rate, no financial disasters like your IRA being wiped out by fraudulent derivative sales, credit default swaps and assuming you contribute on time, same every year. This is on top of an average of 8k a year insurance policy not including any procedures, medications or deductibles you have to pay for. How about the car payment, mortgage, children, college, or bailing out that stupid brother of yours that got caught with his pants down behind the bar. Never minding any of these, you're good with your supposed annual contribution to an individual, privatized social security account.
Life's a bitch. Get used to it old people and filthy orphan children with dirty hands and bad teeth. The rich need more money to roll around in and couldn't care less about your cancer or any of your other money problems.
This guy cares for you. Dick Fuld of Lehman Brothers. While his company was imploding he walked away and earning a net worth of $1 billion the good old fashioned way - pulling himself up by his bootstraps. He probably wants you to support us in the privatization of social security and Medicare/Medicaid.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Go On Strike, Too Bad, No Food For You.
House Resolution 1135 in the United States House of Representatives is a stealthy little bill by a group of House Republicans. This bill, introduced on 24 March of this year, the text is as follows:
"(3) Striking Workers Ineligible – Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no member of a family unit shall participate in the food stamp program at any time that any able-bodied work eligible adult member of such household is on strike as defined in the Labor Management Relations Act, 1947 (29 U.S.C. 142(2)), because of a labor dispute (other than a lockout) as defined in section 2(9) of the National Labor Relations Act …”
Essentially any family in which even just one family member goes on strike the rest of the family has to suffer the consequences including children dependent on food stamps. 80% of households on food stamps have children. As of December 2010, 44.1 million people receive food stamps in the United States including nearly 1.8 million in Georgia alone. In 2009, a nationwide study conducted over a 32 years period surveying 4,800 households by Mark Rank and Thomas Hirschl of Cornell University concluded that half of the United States population was at some point in their childhood received food stamps. And now, with H.R. 1135, if voted and signed into law would pull the food off the table from children and their parents if even one member of the household decided to exercise their right to strike.
Families when choosing to collectively bargain and as a last resort may go on strike now have consider the ramifications of such actions, whether or not they are willing to sacrifice putting food on their tables. This is just yet another attack at the working class' right to collectively bargain, however, this is far more sinister in terms of the actual results.
But, whatever, right. I think they should starve. Who cares. I don't.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
The Destruction of America via Evil Liberals
You hear that? It sounds like something is slowly burning. Smell that? That smoke coming from the middle class and it’s on fire, and fairly soon, it’s going to be gone. Why? Because the Tea Party and ultra conservatives wanted their country back.
Back to the stone age of the American way of life. Remember a time when it was okay for children to work seven days a week in horrible machine factories or when there were no regulations on what could or couldn’t be put in your food. Ever read Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle”, remember that worker dude fell into the meat processing and his body was mixed with the other meat and placed into canned goods? Oh, I remember the good old times when women didn’t have the right to vote and blacks were 3/5ths of a person for taxation purposes [Edited 7 APR 2011, there you happy 'Anonymous'?].
I loved the time where there were signs that said “Irish Need Not Apply” outside prospective employer’s windows. Or how about the time where workers had no benefits, work more than 40 hours a week and loved the fact that there was no minimum wage – you worked for wages that were determined by your employer rather than you.
Or how about the time where people borrowed money in order to buy stocks. Oh wait, that still kind of goes on today only it’s for your IRAs, mortgages, car and student loans and credit cards among other necessities. Remember there were monopolies like Standard Oil. Our nearest comparison to the major trusts like Standard Oil back in the day is Wal-Mart, but it still has K-Mart to compete against even though we know who is winning. I don’t even know where there is a K-Mart in Columbus.
Or how about the time where xenophobes forced Native Americans on a death march even though they had the backing of the Supreme Court to stay in their homes. Andrew Jackson and his comrades didn’t care – the Red Man was a threat to everything they held dear – when something of emotional value is at stake, the highest laws and Court don’t matter at all.
Damn those liberals and their evil plan to take over America and destroy the good old times! President Lincoln was utterly wrong with the Emancipation Proclamation. That was the beginning of the end. Teddy Roosevelt’s soft speak while carrying a big stick helped him dismantle pure capitalism with the implementation of the Trust Busts and creation of another government bureaucracy like the Food and Drug Administration. Who needs clean food anyway if it’s in the way of making money. Unions – the true evil of all – actually want rights for workers? Please, that’s so communistic. A 40 hour work week, pensions and what, a minimum wage! Franklin Roosevelt is the Anti-Christ of America. He single handedly made sure old people couldn’t starve when retired. They should all just die or work. Disabled people get benefits too with Social Security? They don’t even contribute to society or can’t anymore therefore, don’t need the hard working man’s help.
When he was president, General Eisenhower was so pompous to have a 90% tax on the top 1% of the tax bracket – he redistributed wealth, a big no-no in our current time. And the former Supreme Allied Commander that defeated the Nazis signed the Kerr-Mills bill into law which was the forerunner of Medicare – paying 70% of medical expenses for those over age of 65. John F. Kennedy wanted to give poor people a chance through programs like the Great Society including Medicare and Medicaid, food stamps and failed due to his assassination, but his successor, Lyndon B. Johnson was the tool that pushed and signed it into law. Richard Nixon not only lied to Americans about Watergate but he met with communists and overtly worked with Democrats like socialist Ted Kennedy on creating a national health insurance plan that would cover all Americans. Nixon failed as Senator Kennedy and the future Clinton duo did. And Jimmy Carter actually put solar panels on the roof of the White House? What kind of hippie crap is that?
Ronald Reagan removed those liberal solar panels and became the greatest American that ever lived by trying to chip away years of socialistic programs instituted by those before him. He deregulated the financial industry, made sure that investment banks like Merrill Lynch, Citigroup, Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs could do what they wished with their investors’ money. It is capitalism, baby! President Reagan insured that those who went on strike apart of some Union liberal plot for better wages namely in the case of Air Traffic Controllers, would be fired for their nonsense. Corporations could dump waste into any river they wanted, create profit boosting chemicals pumped into our food and ship the jobs overseas. Cutting another evil government entity – education is a primary concern for today’s real conservatives like Reagan and current Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. Even Bill Clinton, who usually was a liberal bastard, continued the same policies as real conservatives as his predecessor (George H.W. Bush) and successor (George W. Bush).
The latter is one great man. He got the wealthiest Americans an awesome tax deal, further deregulated financial industry so they could borrow up to 31 times their own value (imagine if you made 10k a year and you could borrow 310k to do with what you wished, how awesome was that for the investment banks!). And he was a compassionate conservative too. When those investment banks and subsequently the insurance companies insuring them failed, he did the empathetic thing by forgiving them and pushing for their bailout. It was the right thing to do for the richest and most reckless group of individuals on the planet. Never mind the millions of people, companies and even entire countries that fell into their scams and lost everything including their jobs, retirement/pensions as well as their homes – it’s their fault for losing everything. And Iraq, he did the right thing by taking out Saddam Hussein, a vital security threat to the United States and its allies; we’ve spent $1.5 trillion so far making sure Iraq is stable after the power vacuum.
And now, Republican governors and legislators are taking back the country from a Muslim Socialist, President Obama and the liberal followers. Gov. Scott Walker did as his idol Reagan did, ignored the mass protests and demonstrations by firefighters, school teachers, cops and students, ignored procedural law, signed and implemented the union busting bill. It’s the darn teacher’s fault for the budget crisis in Wisconsin. He’s leading the way for like-minded leaders in other states like Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey and Ohio’s John Kasich.
And they’ve only begun to take back the country. I am rooting for them. As a patriotic American I want to see the working class not have the right to organize, see the poor get off their lazy butts, stop collecting food stamps and have Medicaid for their kids because it’s socialist. I want the top 1% of the tax bracket receive further tax cuts. We need to abolish the Health Care law passed last year - 47 million Americans can do without health insurance again and can be turned down for policies if they have a preexisting condition. This and more. Way more. It’s only the beginning for us tea baggers and the pot is not even at boiling point. Want a fresh cup of tea America?
Rep. Michelle Bachman, my hero and hopefully the next President of the United States!
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