
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Raising taxes, saving medicaid/medicare and social security

A McClatchy Marist Poll conducted April 10 through the 14th found that 64% of registered voters support raising taxes on incomes above $250,000.


That's right. A majority of Americans think that taxes should be raised on the those making eight times the median income.

Broken down by party:

Democrats – 83% (no surprise there)

Independents – 63% (the swing vote that went overwhelmingly for the Tea Party in the mid terms)

Republicans – 43% (what? 43% of the GOP support raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans? Wow....)

The poll findings further show this:

80% of registered voters oppose cuts in Medicare and Medicaid. 80%

Just take that in for a second....80%

Wait, it gets better. 73% of Republicans are opposed to cuts in medicare and medicaid.

70% of Tea Party supporters oppose cuts to the socialist programs that millions depend on. The Tea Party....oppose cuts in socialist programs.

I'll simply say that a majority of Americans are socialists. How dare they defend socialist ideals like Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid and especially taxing those who make the most.

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