
Friday, April 8, 2011

Yes! Send Old People to the Buy Their Own Dang Insurance and Forget Poor Children – They Can Rot

Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin is my personal hero. He proposed to cut $6.5 trillion dollars over next ten years. This is a great moment in American political history. Most of the money being cut is taken from commie programs such as medicare and medicaid, social security and includes a permanent Bush Tax cut for the top income earners Americans bringing their tax rate from unreasonable 35% to a fantastic 25%. So, if someone makes 100 million a year, they'll be paying the same tax rate as a school teacher (average school teacher makes about 30k a year). The 100 million dollar income earner can do so much more with the extra 10 million dollars, buy an island or buy a yacht and sail the world. That 10 million, as an example, could have gone to evil socialist programs like the Children Health Insurance Program that makes sure that all kids have health insurance even though they don't deserve it because their parents lazy and poor. Therefore, the kids will learn to be lazy and poor. Let's make sure they die early.

Medicare would be for all intents and purposes abolished. The government would give old folks vouchers, much like the school vouchers conservatives want, to go into the market place and purchase a health insurance plan. They would pay premiums and for any procedures not covered by the insurance companies. They can be denied coverage to due preexisting conditions and can be denied treatment if they think it's too expensive or that they don't need it. But hey, insurance companies know more about health issues and treatments than the primary doctors do. If they can't afford it, if they're denied procedures - tough luck they should just kick the bucket then. It's a “life panel” quite the contrary to the liberals “death panels.”

Social security might as well be privatized because we all know that the privatization of a institution is way better than the mindless government bureaucracy. If someone makes 30k a year and let's say they save 10% every year toward their retirement, never minding inflation or stagnation of wages, 3k year for 45 years equals to roughly 135k in the private account without interest. Furthermore, let's say grows at an annual interest rate of 5% it accumulates to about 500k. That sounds great! Assuming that you're fully employed at a steady rate, no financial disasters like your IRA being wiped out by fraudulent derivative sales, credit default swaps and assuming you contribute on time, same every year. This is on top of an average of 8k a year insurance policy not including any procedures, medications or deductibles you have to pay for. How about the car payment, mortgage, children, college, or bailing out that stupid brother of yours that got caught with his pants down behind the bar. Never minding any of these, you're good with your supposed annual contribution to an individual, privatized social security account.

Life's a bitch. Get used to it old people and filthy orphan children with dirty hands and bad teeth. The rich need more money to roll around in and couldn't care less about your cancer or any of your other money problems. 

This guy cares for you. Dick Fuld of Lehman Brothers. While his company was imploding he walked away and earning a net worth of $1 billion the good old fashioned way - pulling himself up by his bootstraps. He probably wants you to support us in the privatization of social security and Medicare/Medicaid.

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